About us

Missionary Couples of Christ (MCC), formerly known as Trinity Couples Ministry, is a venture of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly under Family Apostolate Centre Ernakulam (FACE).

Officially begun on 6th December 2014, MCC functions as an agent of pastoral care for the families in the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly. We believe that sacramentally married couples participate in a special way in the mission that Jesus Christ entrusted with the Church. As leaders of the family, which is called "domestic church", the couples are co-shepherds in the Church. Together with the priests and religious in the Church, they should actively engage in the pastoral ministries of the Church.

The chief charisma of the sacramentally married couples is the empowerment of family relationships. Missionary Couples of Christ live this charisma in a special way and serve families as couples. They get trained for the ministry through Grace Ripples Fellowship and at the successful completion of the training they take the oath for a lifetime to serve the Lord in the Church by engaging in the pastoral care for families.

  • Our Vision

    To be the foremost fellowship of couples delivering most effective pastoral care for the various types of families and realizing their own call to holiness.

  • Our Motto

    Live and preach the Gospel to Families (Mark 16:15)

  • Our Mission

    To refresh and repair family relationships, in Jesus Christ, relying on the high potential of the sacramentally married couples, the spiritual leadership of priests, and the Catholic principles of marriage and the family.

  • Our Core Values: RESPECT

    Respect for others | Equality | Sincerity | Positivity | Empathy | Confidentiality | Team work

our Services

Grace Ripples Training for Couples

A parish based self training programme for couples which lasts for 30 months. Each unit containing 7 to 12 couples come together every month to pray, share, learn a family skill and make the decision to practice the skill with specific action in the following month as per the training manual given.

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Win Win Couples Training

Missionary Couples organizes non-residential psycho-spiritual training programme for couples at various regions of the Archdiocese of Ernakulam-Angamaly. It lasts for ten weeks, three hours per week. Ten marital skills are taught in this programme.

Couples Enrichment Seminars

Missionary Couples organizes couples seminars in parish level on specific family skills based on the theme of the year.

Intercessory Prayer for Families

Missionary couples conduct prayer sessions for the broken families at Jeevalaya Family Park and some parishes of the Archdiocese.

Family Visits

  • 1. Samaritan Visit
  • 2. Prisca - Aquila Visit
  • 3. Cana Visit
  • 4. Eliswa Visit
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Social Media Intervention

Missionary couples foster family relationships by psycho-spiritual education through social media. To follow them kindly visit: https://www.facebook.com/missionarycouples/

our family visits

Samaritan Visit

Inspired by the attitude of Good Samaritan (Lk.10:29-37), Missionary Couples identify at least one broken family per month and together with their children they pray for the family and visit them to heal their wounds. They accompany the family as mentors

Prisca - Aquila Visit

After the model of Prisca- Aquila, St. Paul's co-workers in Jesus Christ (Rom. 16:3), Missionary Couples visit at least one family per month to motivate them to live their Christian vocation and work for the Kingdom of God. They attract the family to attend couples or parenting retreat at Jeevalaya Family Park, Kalady conducted by FACE.

cana Visit

Like Mother Mary who was a channel of grace at the wedding feast at Cana (Jn.2:1-11), Missionary Couples visit newly wedded couples in their parishes. They pray for the couple and wish them with a gift that lays foundation for their Christian marital journey.

Eliswa Visit

A grace filled pregnancy is significant for a graceful child. With the spirit of Mother Mary visiting Elizabeth (Lk.1:39-45), Missionary Couples visit pregnant couples to pray for them and hand over a booklet which describes parental actions and attitudes necessary for the integral growth of the child in prenatal stage. They motivate the couple to attend the Babyshine Retreat conducted at Jeevalaya Family Park, Kalady on the first weekend of every month

our Spirituality

MCC Couple, consecrated to Jesus Christ through Holy Matrimony, experiences and share with others the love of Christ revealed on the cross. The command of the Lord to love each other as he loved inspires them (Jn.13:35).

They sanctify each other through Christian love and become capable of refreshing and repairing family relationships. They accept each other as gift of God and serve each other in Jesus Christ. The cherishing love of the partner opens up their heart into God. As they become "single flesh", they enter into a deeper union with God and engage in the service of Kingdom of God with missionary zeal.

Hence in the spirit of the Holy Trinity, they move from momentariness to eternity, worldliness to godliness, luxury to simplicity, timidity to audacity, and from slavery of sin to freedom of love, and ultimately enter into the eternal bliss that Christ has promised. Seven pillars of MCC spirituality are personal and family prayers, meditation of the Word of God, reception of sacraments, mutual love of husband and wife, friendship among neighbours, missionary zeal, and the love of the Church.

stay Connected

Missionary Couples of Christ

Jeevalaya Family Park, Kalady, 683574
Email: missionarycouplesofchrist@gmail.com

Phone: 0484-2462607
Mobile: 9446944111